Tuesday 23 November 2010

The Queen's Meme #61 - The Silly Serious Thanksgiving Meme

Mimi of The Queen's Meme has sent this in....

Welcome to The Queen's Meme #61 ~ The Silly Serious Thanksgiving Meme!

In Canada, it is celebrated on the second Monday in October. In the United States, the fourth Thursday in November. Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks for a bountiful harvest, loved ones near and far, the blessing of simply breathing everyday. Let's pause for a moment and think about what we're thankful for. My goal this year is to focus on the small things that I should be grateful for - even without a holiday looming. Having said that, this is serious and silly simultaneously!
Enjoy. Have seconds!

1. If you knew this would be the last Thanksgiving holiday with your family, what would you do differently? If I was the turkey, I would be digging an escape tunnel!

2. What is your favorite Thanksgiving dinner dish? As I'm British, we sadly don't celebrate Thanksgiving. I wish we did though. My favourite Thanksgiving dish would be the young lady I invited to dinner.

3. Why did John Smith fall in love with Pocahontas? Was it her beauty or her bravery? Don't ask me! Maybe he had a thing for warrior princesses?

4. Fill in the blank: Over the river and through the woods to Winnie The Pooh's blog we go.

5. What is a cornucopia?
A. A foot ailment B. Freud's hidden coping strategy C. a Enuch with a very large vocabulary D. third cousin of Onomatopoeia  It probably has a cornucopia of meanings

6. Find a word that rhymes with Thanksgiving Living.

7. Do you have any holiday traditions you'd like to share with us? As we don't celebrate it, I go through the tradition of going to the office.

Happy Thanksgiving!!


Durward Discussion said...

Don't get stomped on by a Heffalump
while going through the 100 acre wood.

Finding Pam said...

Great answers, and of course you don't have Thanksgiving. Sorry.